
As we return to our intended ways of living, healing occurs. 

My name is Valeria and I inspire others to question the current beliefs and theories on human health and create change for the better. Millions of precious lives are taken every year by diseases and conditions in which the solution is quite simple. In modern society, violence, negativity, and defeatist attitudes are normal and part of common conversation. Disconnection from our innate nature has led us to this point. I intend to bring light and clarity in a sea of confusion.

For most of my life, I suffered from digestive issues, pancreatic and adrenal weaknesses, depression and anxiety, low energy, malabsorption, and more. When I changed my diet from dead foods to living foods, my whole being improved…and still is improving. After incorporating this diet change along with emotional healing practices and other lifestyle changes, I’ve regained emotional control while feeling physically and spiritually reborn. Healing is difficult, especially when you’ve put so much time and energy into suppressing it…to being someone else…to living under an illusory belief system. It requires uncomfortable amounts of self-reflection, honesty, and accountability. Taking that initial step toward healing was the best decision I’ve ever made. I haven’t looked back.

My writings and guidance come from multiple perspectives:

  • Registered Nurse specializing in Maternal-Newborn/Postpartum care 
  • Level One Detoxification Specialist by the International School of Detoxification (I.S.O.D.)
  • Lymphatic Iridology certified by the International School of Detoxification (I.S.O.D.)
  • A vegan, raw foodist, living aligned with the principles of Natural Hygiene
  • My own intuitive and personal experience

The decision to provide my services arose from my observations of ignorance and unnecessary suffering in the personal and casual interactions of my life. I share “fruits” of knowledge to show others the “path back to health”, back to who they truly are. I am forever thankful to the people and sources of information I’ve crossed paths with who have taught me a new set of knowledge that brought me further out of Plato’s Cave of Ignorance. How exciting it is to discover Truth and share it with others so they, too, can thrive. In another sense, this is also an account of my never-ending journey to understand and appreciate life, energy, nature, the human condition, and the physical and non-physical worlds that exist now.

Health is wealth…and health is simple. True vibrant health is rare in our society, it goes far beyond what the conventional image portrays. True vibrant health brings you closer to the real you, the you that is both a part of the grand universe and contains it all within. We all deserve to understand health in order to realize our individual and universal potential. You are worth it!

Photos by: Jeff Rogers Photography